3 Different Formats For Academic Cover Pages


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3 Different Formats For Academic Cover Pages

When doing some form of academic writing, nearly all students make one of the biggest mistakes that they could ever even imagine making; a mistake that could potentially end up significantly lowering the worth of their paper: they forget to design the perfect cover page.

Designing Your Best Cover

That said, it naturally becomes very important that students work towards making the best cover page that they possible can. Here are three ideas that they could explore further, based on the style in which students are asked to write their papers. They include:

Chicago Style

Designing the cover page requires that the student pay close attention to the following details:

  • The title of the paper should be centrally aligned. The topic also comes one-third down the page on which the work is being printed. The topic must be written in Normal font style, and does not need to be underlined, italicized or printed in bold.
  • Nearly halfway down, comes the name of the author, in this case, your name.
  • Nearly two thirds of the way down the page, other relevant details such as the course number, the teacher’s name as well as the date on which the work has been published, are each printed. Each of the details is printed on a separate line.
  • The format in which the date is written is Month/ Day/ Year of publishing.

APA Style

Be careful using the APA format. Pay attention to the following details:

  • The complete title is centrally aligned, and placed in the exact center of the page.
  • Personal details, such as the student’s name, the name of the institution and the submission date, also centrally aligned, are placed near the bottom of the page.
  • The concise title of the paper, has the justified alignment and appears on the cover page in the topmost left corner.
  • This running head will later be used in the headers of every page of the rest of the paper.

MLA Format

The MLA Format is not the most visually appealing of cover styles. It does not, however, mean that the format does not require careful designing.

  • The title of the paper, as well as any personal details are placed along with the introduction that starts off the paper itself. These are placed, along with course number, course title and date at the upper leftmost corner of the page.
  • The title comes directly beneath the submission date and is centrally aligned as well as double-spaced.
  • Take care to stick with a plain font style. Bold, italic or underlined fonts are neither required nor accepted in the title of MLA-related works.

In academic writing, as is often the case, most students forget that writing out the paper means a lot more than researching material from various sources and then putting them together in an intelligent manner to prove a certain point or question. Caught up in the way that they are trying to research and write means the title page gets fatally ignored. Don’t let that happen to your work. Get help now. Contact us at British Coursework Help today.