jennifer, Author at British Coursework Help Blog


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6 Lies We All Put on Our Resume

According to a survey conducted by coursework writers and the staffing firm involving over 300 senior managers and 1,000 workers, 38 percent of the employers noted that they fired a candidate just because they caught them lying in their resume. Moreover, about 50 percent of the participants reported that they have lied in their resume, […]

8 Classic Books That Will Remind You of Childhood

Most of us were avid readers growing up and that habit just got lost as our responsibilities for college and jobs took over. The mention of books from our childhood that we loved reading brings warmth to our chest and we still crave for that feeling. However, the habit just does not return because for […]

8 Smart Techniques to Complete Your Assignments on Time

Writing an assignment is a toilsome and nerve-wracking job for students. Other than structuring coherent and concrete sentences, students are required to search for qualitative writing material and produce an answer for the provided question statement. With so much on the plate, students are also obligated to turn in their assignments on time. With this […]

7 Smart Ways to Organised Your Studying Room

Ellie: “Hey, Sarah! Congratulations for scoring the highest marks again.” Sarah: “Thanks, it wasn’t that easy this time, to be frank.” Ellie: “You know, I have always wondered how you manage to pull off everything despite the troubles.” Sarah: “Well, there’s no secret. I study as you all do.” Ellie: “There has to be something, […]

6 Effective Proofreading Tips for Students

“Okay, so I have an hour left before the submission deadline. I think I should just write a spell-binding conclusion and submit it. Let’s skip the proofreading process because I don’t think there are any errors present in the assignment.” If this is how you let go of proofreading to meet the deadline, then you […]

Coursework Writing Tactics That Can Help You Get Good Grades

Going to university can take a toll on you, mentally, physically, and emotionally. You’re expected to not only support yourself financially but also to focus on your academic career. As soon as your university life begins, you have to become an adult who is capable of balancing their professional, academic, and social life. However, even […]

The importance of hiring a professional coursework writer

Boomers always question why millennial choose to seek assistance from a coursework writer during their academic years. They label them as lazy, entitled, and ungrateful. However, the truth is that they are the reason why students have to seek coursework help from a professional writer. Do you know why? It’s because millennial students are forced […]

Ten things to know about Black Friday 2018

The holiday season in the UK extends from the day after the Thanksgiving till the beginning of the New Year. The Christian Community cherishes Black Friday, around the globe, on Friday that falls immediately after the Thanksgiving in November. When we speak of Black Friday, the first thing that comes to mind is the enormous […]

How to Gather Essential Information for Your Assignment?

Besides all the academic challenges that engulf the high school students like a storm, crafting assignments also come as a hard nut to crack. It becomes eminently tough, especially when students have no knack for working on an advanced complexity level with the demonstration of professional tone in both language and literature. One needs to […]