Essay Writing Checklist To Follow


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Essay Writing Checklist To Follow

One thing is for sure, as a student, you simply cannot dodge the bullets of academic tasks such as essays, reports, thesis or other assignments. These tasks will keep following you until you are finally done with your academic tenure, and the most frequently assigned task would certainly be the essays. Essays, upon hearing, sounds like an easy, routine task; but actually, they are the ones that unsettle many bright students too. However, if you properly plan to manage your academic tasks, even dissertations would become easier never mind the essays. In context to our topic, here is the checklist for a better essay writing experience.


The first impression is the last; keep it as a reference point while writing your introduction. The things you need to check in your introduction are as follow:

1: How clearly you state your idea?

2: Have you effectively sought the attention of your reader?

3: Are you answering the question/topic of your essay in an easy-to-understand language?

If you have incorporated and check listed these three points, then your essay’s introduction would certainly be captivating and relevant.


The main body of your essay would be either one or two paragraphs where you have to take care of following points.

1: A detailed explanation of your idea.

2: Is the main concept of your topic clearly discussed?

3: If you have provided the accurate citation for the data you have borrowed?

4: Does the evidence support your argument?

5: If both the paragraphs of your main body are following the same pattern?

Once you are done with checking your main body, the most important part of your essay would arrive.


You need to end your essay on a high note and this is how you would do it:

1: By effectively summarizing your argument.

2: By restating your original concept.

3: By developing a connection between introduction and conclusion.

4: By generating the flow from the main body.

Style & Editing:

When it comes to style and editing, following are the points that need to be looked upon.

1: Have you utilized formal language?

2: If your sentences are concise and relevant?

3: if sentences are generating a proper flow?

4: If your grammar, structure, and spellings are correct?

5: If your paper is free from contractions?

6: Have you reread the paper at least twice?

7: Have you followed the guidelines and instructions?


While referencing, consider these vital points

1: Have you provided the citation for everything involved?

2: Is the format of references and citations correct?

3: Are the sources for the references credible?

4: Have you included a reference / bibliography page?


You would be wondering that why would someone need proofreading after following such a compact process whilst writing? Remember, proofreading is just another stamp of credibility which ensures that every little mistake is eliminated or rectified from your academic paper. It would be perfect if you can do all these steps on your own, but if you can’t then you must consider contacting British Coursework Help for getting professional help that will earn you better grades.